Getting Out There

by Linda O. Johnston

Writers write. But to help sell what we write, we need to do promotion not only online, but also in person. So, we have to get out there.

Okay, I admit I’m doing it less than I used to before the pandemic. Not that I’m terrified about getting sick, but I kind of got used to not going to as many conferences as I used to. I previously attended Malice Domestic, Left Coast Crime and Bouchercon and the Romance Writers of America conferences often, as well as local meetings.

Now—well, I did go to Bouchercon and an RWA conference last year. This year, I’ve mostly just gone to meetings of local chapters of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America and Orange County Romance Writers, sometimes on Zoom.

Oh, and coming up will be the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, and I’ll be signing at the local SinC and MWA booths there on Sunday, April 21.

Enjoyable? Yes. It’s always fun to see other writers in person, and to sell as many books as possible and get to autograph them for the buyers.

And I have to admit I miss the frequent lunches I used to attend with other Writers in Residence members. But some have moved away and it’s become more difficult to get together with any of them.

More conferences in the future? I hope to.

So—well, how do you get together with other writers these days? With readers? Only online, or do you see them in person too?

17 thoughts on “Getting Out There”

  1. I loved writer’s conferences – speakers, panels, free book bags and free books, meeting old friends. They are a bit pricey for me know. Have fun at the Festival of Books – Hope you do well.

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  2. Linda, I think most writers these days have cut back on attending conferences, with cost one of the prime reasons. I haven’t been to one in 3 years. Since moving to CT I have joined the local Sisters in Crime chapter, and have been tapped several times as a panelist. I am still an MWA member but their meetings are in New York City, not a place anyone wants to visit much these days. So, Zoom reigns supreme. I joined a local writers group and we meet one a month to read our latest work-in-progress, and I am finding joy in teaching writing classes – I didn’t realize I had accrued so much knowledge!

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    1. Yep, as I agreed, price is a factor. Sounds as if you’ve been taking advantage of memberships–and Zoom! And teaching writing classes can definitely be fun. I’m not at all surprised you’ve accrued so much knowledge!


  3. I haven’t attended an in-person conference in five years. I have family reasons for not wanting to travel, and I enjoy the convenience and low cost of Zoom. We’re very fortunate to have the online option. I attend meetings of my local SinC chapter and participate in small local book events. Many include lunch with other authors. I would love to eventually meet up with the WinR authors.

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    1. Maggie, it would be so cool for us to actually get together! But it would involve either YOU or the rest of us traveling quite a ways. Haha. Let’s see: Where would be the median spot for all of us to meet? Washington state, California, Ohio, Connecticut, Virginia, and goodness! Great Britain!!!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Zoom certainly is convenient and economical, Maggie. I’m glad we often have the option too, even though I like to get together with people at least some of the time. And maybe sometime we can work something out for the WinR authors to meet up again!


  4. Linda – you seem to attend more conferences than the rest of us! I went to one last year in Culver City, but it was very pared down, with less attendees and less events, which I understood, as we still crawl back from the Covid Lockdowns! And I know there are a lot more Zoom events. The good thing about Zoom is that people can join in from anywhere in the world. But I really miss the in-person meetings. The sharing, the laughs and the hugs! So, if any wants to meet up at our old haunting ground of Lancers in Burbank, let us know!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I do still try to get my name out there so I attend some conferences, but definitely not as many as I used to, Rosemary. And I’d be delighted to meet up at Lancers again!


  5. With me now living in a new state, I haven’t done nearly as many events, but the local library carries my books and I have done one big event there and got to do a presentation for a small, local writers group at the library. Both were fun. The Sisters-in-Crime events are on Zoom, but I haven’t done those yet. I am trying to get out there. Your post has gotten me to rethink trying to do more. Thanks.

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  6. Congrats on your local library carrying your books, Gayle, and also for the events and presentations you’ve done. Let us know if you get out there even more.


  7. I stopped attending conferences after I got my publishing contract. While I enjoyed them and often learned valuable tips from them, I couldn’t justify the cost. I attend two of my husband’s conferences every year as a guest, which I prefer – he sits in sessions all day while I go off with my friends and have fun!


    1. Your way of attending conferences sounds enjoyable, Miko. But I do find value in attending conferences relating to what I’m writing. Just not as many of them these days.


      1. I do miss going to conferences. I don’t travel as much now I live back in England. But when I did, I always met someone new or learned something new – plus the camaraderie and support from kindred spirits always sent me home energized and motivated. Your post has reminded me of how important those things are. I have done a few local events which have been fun but nothing as much as before when I first started out writing – well before social media took off. Some of the Zoom live events are great but you can’t beat the personal touch of speaking to readers and signing books!


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